Bert Becker – the 2CV driving dutchman
Bert Becker is 26. He is Dutch, and a professional photographer. After 3 years at the University, he specialized in photography and was admitted to the Amsterdam School of Arts. In his spare time, he worked in a steel works, and thus put aside enough money to buy a second-hand 2CV (with 26,000 miles on the clock). With a friend,
Jean Slotboom, a 28-year-old civil engineering student, he set off on an 18,500 mile trip, combining travel with camera work, to India: Istambul, Aleppo, Damascus, Baghdad, Kermansha, lspahan, Shiraz, Kerman, Quetta, Delhi, Bombay, Jodhpur, Karachi and back again, between October 21st 1964 and March 2nd 1965.
Bert Becker – un leica et une 2CV
Bert Becker a 26 ans. 11 est hollandais et photographe de metier. Apres trois ans d’etudes superieures il se lance dans la photographie et est accepte å l’Ecole des Arts d’Amsterdam. Pendant ses loisirs, il travaille dans une acierie et economise ainsi de quoi acheter une 2 CV d’occasion (42.000 km). Accompagne d’un camarade, Jean Slotboom, 28 ans, etudiant aux Ponts et Chaussees, il part alors pour une randonnee-reportage de quelque 30.000 km jusqu’en Inde : Istamboul, Alep, Beyrouth, Damas, Bagdad, Kermansha, Ispahan, Shiras, Kerman, Quetta, Delhi, Bombay, Johdpur, Karachi et retour, du 21 Octobre 1964 au 2 Mars 1965.
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