BRUSSELS ( Belgium)
Belgium, the Yellow and White Cross provides medical care for nearly 100,000 patients involving more than one million calls to their homes by travelling nurses. More than 100,000 families belong to this nursing association. The Yellow and White Cross uses 300 2 CV Citroens. lt recently took delivery of the 300th which was handed over by Citroen after an intimate ceremony during which it was christened with champagne. The 2 CV is thus used in one of the best of its many applications: in all kinds of weather, it carries hope into homes where someone suffers .
BRUXELLES (Belgique)
La Croix Jaune et Blanche, c’est en Belgique, pour pres de cent mille malades, plus d ‘un milli on de soins a domicile par des infirmieres volantes. Plus de 100 000 familles adherent a cette associat10n d ‘infirmieres. La Croix Jaune et Blanche utilise trois cents 2 CV Citroen. La trois centieme lui a ete remise recemment par Citroen a l’issue d’une ceremonie intime, apres son bapteme au champagne. La 2 CV trouve ainsi une des meilleures utilisations de ses multiples qualites: par n’importe quel temps elle apporte l’espoir dans les foyers ou l ‘on souffre.
Origin: La Double Chevron N°5 1966