70-vuotias Citroen 2CV – näin BBC Top Gear juhlii

Kauan odotettu BBC Top Gearin 2CV-aiheinen jakso näytettiin sunnuntaina 18. maaliskuuta. Kivasti ohjattu show ja hyvin sympaattinen 70-vuotias 2CV ohjelman aiheena hiljentää harrastajan seuraamaan jaksoa intensiivisesti. Citroën 2CV:llä voi ajaa myös kilpaa sen todisti Matt Le Blanc ja Chris Harris ohjelmassa.

2CV Racing klubin jäsen Pete Sparrow oli mukana TG-projektissa. Tässä on hänen kirjeensä tuottajalle Richard Evansille (englanniksi):

Hi Rich,

I hope you are well. I thought I’d let you know that I haven’t heard a bad word about the 2CV piece on Sunday’s show. 

There was a lot of negativity before it was aired mainly due to the shows previous outlook on the car. I put my name forward and you said it would be sympathetic but it was way better than that. Chris came across very well and pretty much said what we all think about the car but it still had the humour I expected. I think your show has quite a few new fans.

You and the TG team did yourselves proud and I am very happy to have been involved. Please pass on my personal thanks and that of the 2CV community. It was a proper job.

Regards, Pete