Édition Spéciale Prix Tour du Monde en 2CV – Part 1

Photo Citroën n° 8.69

Man’s best friend is the 2 CV. Economical in any climate, robust on any road, comfortable in any season, this is a car that brings the whole world within the reach of everyone’s travel budget. Hardly surprising that this little vehicle – small in size but vast in potentialities – has gained the favour of lone explorers. It has all the qualities ane could ask of a dependable companion, ane that will never let you down in any circumstances.

You can ask anything of it, in jungle, mountain or desert; its reputation rests on hundreds of hazardous, long-distance trips through mud, sand, rock and dirt in all weathers on every continent and in latitudes. Over the past few years, adventurous young people everywhere have adopted the 2 CV. The Tour du Monde Award, initiated by Citroen in 1957, reflects this car’s popularity.

The award, which carries a prize of 10.000 French Francs, goes every year to the team that brings back from the countries visited the most interesting and original account of the journey. It is open to motorists of any nationality who make the trip by 2 CV. The itinerary must. cover several thousand miles and include countries where different languages are spoken. All candidates have to send their travel dossier, before November 1st., to the Service Propagande de la Societe Citroen.

Origin: Le Double Chevron N°7 (1966)

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Photo Citroën N° 8.83