Etusivu › Foorumit › Päävalikko › Tekniikka › 425 cm3 vaihdelaatikko
- Tämä aihe sisältää 3 vastaukset, 3 ääntä, ja päivitettiin viimeksi 28.3.2017 at 04:20 tricon toimesta.
27.3.2017, 15:25 #239518
Löysin äskettäin tämän foorumin ja tuntui joku voi pystyä auttamaan minua. Olen palauttanut 1958 2CV AZ. Orginal vaihteisto on ruostunut kondensaatiosta. Olen hankitaan ‘uusi’ 8 spline vaihteiston
Auto on nyt 425 cm3 AZ jossa on 8 Spline vaihteisto. Jos löydän Dopsy 500 cm3 pakki, olisiko ongelmia 1954 (?) 8 spline vaihdelaatikko? Tarvitsenko 10 splinin vaihteiston
Ajattelen ‘Päivitys’ on 18HP 425 cm3 moottori ja vaihdelaatikko. Olisiko tämä paremman käsityksen?
Kiitos avustasi.
(Ja aplogies, Suomi ei ole minun ensimmäinen kieli)
27.3.2017, 19:41 #239521Osaako joku auttaa Danielia, joka on Australiasta. Google kääntäjä on ehkä hieman huono tuossa teknisessä sanastossa. Wanhus asiaa joka tapauksessa, joten Joel tai Helge voisi osata auttaa.
Daniel, would you please write your question in english, I think it is easier to understand without some Google hashed words.
Welcome to our forum!
– mika –27.3.2017, 22:35 #239524I´m not sure did I understand right but Daniel are you talking about gearbox drive-saft connections or some inner final drive ratios? I would guess the first one and in that case you should be OK. With 500cc set you might get the maximum speed what the gearbox ratio is offering but the bigger benefit is the engine torque. New model gearbox anyhow won´t give you more than 120km/h top speed (2cv6) and 140km/h with Ami8/Acadiane/Dyane6. 2cv4 (435cc) gearbox is with shorter ratio than 2cv6. (This max speed orcourse depends by the maximum RPM-level of your specific engine)
If you want longer ratio gearbox and still keep the old outside looks, I would seek Ami6 gearbox. That I don´t remember how the spline goes on Ami6 but atleast some have had the 8 splines…
[B] [color color=blue]Dyane -68, Dyane Super -73, 2cv6 -77, 2cv Super -71, 2cv6 AK XXXL -76 [/color][/B]28.3.2017, 04:20 #239528Thank you for your replies and sincere apologies if I caused any confusion. I could see that the translation was poor. I was blind to this as I knew what I was asking and assumed it was almost correct.
To try again:
Hello,I recently found this forum and felt someone may be able to help me. I am restoring a 2CV AZ from 1958. I had to purchase a ‘new’ gearbox as the original gearbox was rusted due to internal condensation.
The car is now a 425 cm3 AZ with 8 spline gearbox. My concern is that the 8 spline gearbox is older than the car. Is a later 10 spline gearbox any better?
If I find a ‘Dopsy’ 500 cm3 kit, could there be problems with the 1954 (?) 8 spline gearbox?
Alternatively, I’m thinking to ‘Update’ to an 18HP 425 cm3 engine and gearbox (and then move to 500 cm3). Would this be a better idea? I understand that the 500 cm3 is better I am concerned if the older gearbox will have problems.
My chassis was made here and the fabricator made it heavier than the original. This is the reason why I may need to find a stronger motor. I did not want to move to a 602 cm3 as too many modifications were required.
Again, from what I have read on the forum, there is a lot on it that will be useful for me.
Thank you for your reply Akaile.
The only difference I can see is that with 10 splines there is greater surface area to transfer power. This could be a problem especially for a larger engine. I may be able to swap the shaft (and clutch…)
Thanks for your help.
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