Etusivu Foorumit Päävalikko Yleinen keskustelu looking for place to park my 2cv in Helsinki: may-october

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  • #122467

    Dear All,

    I apologize for the English, but my finnish is not yet there as yet…

    I plan on bringing my 2cv6 (built in 1987) to Helsinki from the Netherlands at the beginning of may, having it here in Finland until about half october. Since I mainly use the car in the weekends, it would be better to have it insight, when possible. Does anyone know of a parking place insight, in Helsinki or Helsinki-area, where one could park a 2cv for NOT TOO much money? I was thinking 50 euro a month, but am not sure if this is realistic… mmm

    I live in Vallila, and work in Viikii, so around that area might be the best of course..

    And since I am typing now anyway, is someone willing to give me some English tips on 2cv live (garage, parts..) in Helsinki? I am already finding some way through this site, but direct info is greatly appreciated by the lazy-me..

    Thanks so much!

    hei hei

    Else 😆


    For example, in Pasila you can park in a camera-guarded hall for 67,-/month (, minimum 3 months. In Käpylä street-parking is free, and fairly safe (only one stolen car from me so far 👿 ).


    Thanks! Pasila sounds good, I will check it out..
    Further I think my own neighbourhood (Vallila) is not too bad either, or Viiki where I work, but as said, I would be real happy to have my duck inside..

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