Etusivu Foorumit Päävalikko Matkalle Raid Ukraina

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  • #126556

    Vanha Suomen ystävä Gyntteri on järjestämässää raidia Ukrainaan ja lähettää mahdollisille kiinnostuneille suomalaisille tietoa, yhteydenotot suoraan Gyntteriin:

    Meeting point  A  27.6 in prellenkirchen  2472. mühlweg 5 (N 48 04.069   E 15 22,859 ) start time 28.6 morning
    meeting point SK   28.6  dlah ves (N48 29,403  E  20 26.623 ) factory  KAISER start time   29.6 morning.

    first day to lemberg  (UA ) was one of the four biggest town of old austria. we order for two night a hostel in lemberg ( so we must know the name of the raider  one or two ) the other times we sleep in the nature. Only on the krim we are going of campingplaces.
    for UA no visa is needed, the petrol 70 to 80 cent per liter..the money (griwa ) you get only in UA. no bank in EU have this money ( 1 euro   are 10 griwa )
    we come back on 21.7 stay one or two days in vienna and then start to the 19 international meeting in france,

    info. g.jung-ä   +431 6o4 62 92
    mob +4365o  6o46292   +436991 6o46292

    information for all fins


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