Etusivu Foorumit Päävalikko Yleinen keskustelu The Kustom Kulture Show

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  • #128071

    Kaapelitehdas Helsinki 16.-17.2.” onclick=”;return false;

    Paikalla mm.

    “Citroen 2CV could be real hot rod!

    Olli Erkkilä´s fenderles, channeled and chopped rod is imaginative project mixing old ragtop Citroen to early 50’s Hot Rods.
    2cv production started in 1949. Color, interior and many other details have been made that the vehicle could be build from one of those of the first 2cvs. Olli wanted to use much Citroen parts as possible, so car is running with original 2cv front wheel drive technic. Car has been under construction now 1,5 years. It’s not completely ready, there’s still many small things to do before spring! “

    [size size=10][color color=#000040]2CV AZU '61 » 2CV6 '71 » Acadiane Mixta '81 » HY72 '66 » Projekti: Dyane '68[/color][/size]
    [b][color color=#BF0000]Jousitus on täysin erillinen ja ainutlaatuisen pehmeä, tehden ajon yhtä miellyttäväksi
    kuin missä tahansa loistoluokan autossa. [size size=12](2CV-esite,1956)[/size] [/color][/b]

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